Return To Reason

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Man Ray’s first film in 1923, RETURN TO REASON is composed of four surrealist and dreamlike short films, known as the first Dadaist films, now accompanied by a new soundtrack composed & produced by celebrated filmmaker Jim Jarmusch and composer Carter Logan.
Featuring Le Retour à la Raison (Return to Reason) (1923), Emak-Bakia (1926), L’Étoile de mer (The Starfish)(1928), and Les Mystères du Château de Dé (The Mysteries of the Château de Dé) (1929).), RETURN TO REASON is a dive into the surrealist and dreamlike world of one of the most prolific American visual artists.
The restoration process was led by Womanray and Cinenovo, sourcing original prints from various parts of the world, in partnership with La Cinémathèque française, the Centre Pompidou, the Library of Congress, the French CNC and Cineteca di Bologna.
Julie Viez (Harka, Bergman Island, Long Day's Journey Into Night)